AS we rapidly approach Christmas – a time of year that families and friends come together – it can be for some, a desperately lonely time of the year. Aloneness or lonliness can be felt by young and old alike and in modern society it is more likely those that are in their 20’s feel it most acutely.
There are many strategies for feeling less lonely if you find yourself feeling like this. Maybe you’ve just moved, got a new job in a new town, or lost your life partner. It just might be that there is a ready made social network, ready and waiting for you to discover in the form of the local Bridge club.
Why is Bridge Good for Beating Loneliness?
The short answer is the very nature of the game itself. The fact that game requires 4 players and you play as a partnership, means that you can get to forge new aquaintences quickly and easily.
Learning the rudiments of the game can be done relatively quickly and easily, but to get good at it takes time and dedication and the best way to do so is to play with other players who can show you the way.
But Bridge is An Old Person’s Game!
Unfortunately this is a common perception. If you’re younger and reading this, be open minded. Older folks are a wealth of information, not just on Bridge but on all aspects of life itself. From a social point of view you might not be going to any kicking parties, or meeting your next love of your live (you may do!) but from a life experience point of view you’ll learn loads! Furthermore as a younger player, you’ll have a distinct advantage, as Bridge requires a good memory and mental dexterity, your fresher brain will help you to progress quickly.
How to Find a Bridge Club
When starting out in Bridge, finding a club that plays socially rather than competitively is your best bet. Bridge Clubs generally charge admission if you’re a visitor, somewhere in the region of £3–5, with an annual subscriptions being around £5.
The Bridgewebs website has a monopoly on hosting Bridge club websites, but it does mean that it acts a single resource for finding a club or two near you
If you’re looking to learn bridge from a professional player the following site is a good resource