Are you a left handed bridge player looking for bidding cards for Bridge? Or perhaps your partner or opponent may be? Fear not this blog post is here to help demystify the world of left handed bidding cards!
Jannersten Left Handed Bidding Cards for Bridge – Spot the Difference?
For years the only left handed bidding cards that were available on the market were Jannersten’s. Their version simply uses right handed cards but prints the text the other way around…highly confusing!
The differences in the left- and right-handed Jannersten cards are so slight that we are often contacted by left handed players, thinking they’ve been sent right handed cards by mistake!
British Bidder® Cards – the Difference is Clear!
As creative people we decided to do something about it! After two years of research and development and lots of blood, sweat and tears we launched the British Bidder® bidding cards: the only truly left hand specific bidding cards!
No more mis-pulls = no more mis-bidding
Not only are the cards printed the opposite way around, they are also cut the opposite way around. Meaning that pulling out the wrong card, if you’re a left handed player, will become a nightmare of the past! As one happy customer left us a review saying…
Our dedicated left handed bidding cards are exclusive to us and are entirely UK made and carbon neutral to lessen our impact on the planet.