Andrew Robson Books
Bridge books by Andrew Robson are the go-to source for learning to play and improving your Contract Bridge playing techniques. His books are filled with tips for players of all levels, and each book covers key areas of play.
All of Andrew’s books we stock are backed up by his years of experience playing contract Bridge professionally and teaching the game privately. Using his books to learn more about the game are sound investment and a great stepping stone in your mastery of the subtleties contract bridge.

Bridge Lessons – Forcing or Non Forcing
- £5.99
- In Bridge Lessons: Forcing or Non Forcing Andrew clarifies whether or not you are making a bid your partner can pass, and equally whether you are allowed to pass your Partner's bid, to strengthen your partnership bidding. You might also be interested in Bridge Odds for Practical Players by Kelsey & Glauert, the leading book on learning, calculating and changing…
Andrew Robson’s Top Tens
- £17.50
- Andrew Robson's Top Ten Bidding, Declarer-Play and Defence Tips Learn Andrew's Top Ten Bridge Conventions Learn from the expert! Hardback book, a lovely addition to your Bridge library
Strong Notrump and Five-card Majors – Andrew Robson
- From: £10.00
- Strong Notrump and Five-card Majors by Andrew Robson is a one of the best books for those wanting to explore the international standard bridge bidding system. All players with a good grasp of the game already will learn a lot from reading this book, even if you are already an experienced Strong and Fives player. You’ll learn lots about card-play…
The Next Level by Andrew Robson
- From: £14.99
- Buy Andrew Robson's The Next Level with Arrow Cards By acclaimed bridge author, teacher and professional player Andrew Robson Covers advanced Bridge bidding strategies Buy the 3 sets of Arrow Cards and play every deal in the book!
Beginning Bridge by Andrew Robson
- £7.99
- The world's most ingenious game simplified by Britain's number one player/teacher/writer. Customers buy the book and twin pack of arrow cards together, so that they can play the deals featured in the book.
Bridge: A Pack of Dos and Don’ts by Andrew Robson
- From: £7.99
- There are two double packs of arrow cards to accompany this book: Clubs/Diamonds for the less experienced to intermediate player and Hearts/Spades for the more advanced to experienced player.
Bridge: What Should Have Happened by Andrew Robson
- From: £9.99
- If you buy just one Bridge book, this must be it! More common mistakes and how to avoid them from Britain's number one teacher Andrew Robson. Also available are Arrow Cards, so that you can play some of the deals in the book.
Andrew Robson’s Bridge Flipper for Strong Notrump, Five Card Majors
- £15.00
- Andrew Robson's latest flipper, covering Strong Notrump, Five Card Majors, which has become a popular method when playing Bridge online.
Beginner Bridge Flipper by Andrew Robson
- £10.00
- An excellent, easy to use flipper for beginners, with all the information to get you properly started.
Essential Bridge Flipper by Andrew Robson
- £10.00
- An excellent, easy to use flipper for intermediate players, with all the information you need to play a decent game of bridge.