Andrew Robson Books

Bridge Lessons – Competitive Bidding by Andrew Robson
- £5.99
- There is no more important skill for the winning bridge player than competitive bidding judgement. In this gem, Andrew teaches you when to pass, double or bid on and how to put the maximum pressure on the opposition. A must-buy for all serious players.
Bridge Lessons – Finesse
- £5.99
- Starting with the definition of a finesse, and progressing from the most basic position to the more advanced, this book is a must for any student of the game. Everyone will benefit from Andrew's clear writing.
Bridge Lessons – Duplicate Pairs Tactics by Andrew Robson
- £5.99
- Andrew explains Duplicate Pairs Tactics with the help of 50 example deals, each highlighting a key area of Duplicate technique. Currently awaiting reprint - available for backorder
Bridge Lessons – Defence by Andrew Robson
- £5.99
- Defence is the most important part of the game. In his latest booklet Andrew, gives you the tips and technique you need to become a top defender.
Bridge Lessons – Responder & Fourth Suit Forcing by Andrew Robson
- £5.99
- Andrew describes Responder's role and choices in an Auction, with emphasis on Fourth Suit Forcing.
Bridge Lessons – Slam by Andrew Robson
- £5.99
- Successful slamming is one of the most exciting aspects of the game. Through a series of 50 hands, Andrew introduces techniques and principles to help the reader bid and make slams with confidence.
Bridge Lessons – Weak Two by Andrew Robson
- £5.99
- This booklet guides the reader through Weak Two opening bids - now universally recognised to be superior to the Strong Two (if for no other reason, they occur far more often). A vital tool for the armoury of the advancing player.