Ron Klinger Bridge Books

Improve Your Bridge Memory by Ron Klinger
- £9.99
- Many bridge mistakes arise from a faulty memory, and those who learn to improve their memory will automatically improve their game. 96 pages.
Improve Your Bidding & Play by Derek Rimington and Ron Klinger
- £8.99
- Sixty bridge problems which teach you first how to find the right bid and second how to make it work in play. 128 pages.
Improve Your Declarer Play at No-Trumps by Ron Klinger
- £9.99
- Ron Klinger brings his huge knowledge and skills as a leading teacher to bear on the difficult situations declarer faces when playing in no-trumps. This is an invaluable guide to better declarer play.
Defending Doubled Contracts by Ron Klinger
- £9.99
- This book is the complement to Playing Doubled Contracts. The player who has studied these two books will be in an immensely strong position in relation to opponents in slam bidding. This impressive book has no other competitor. A worthy addition to a world-famous list. Ron Klinger's international reputation as author, teacher and player is second to none. How to…
50 Great Puzzles on Defence by Ron Klinger
- £9.99
- The Master Bridge Series is the leading bridge list in the UK Ron Klinger is a leading international bridge teacher and player; and has written over 60 books. This book is the companion volume to 50 Great Puzzles on Declarer Play. Improve your defence today! This book is written for intermediate and advanced bridge players who are looking to improve…
Bridge is Fun – Learn to Laugh with Ron Klinger by Ron Klinger
- £8.99
- Ron Klinger has devised an entertaining way of helping players to improve their game through solving problems and at the same time having a good laugh! 128 pages.
Guide to Better Acol Bridge by Ron Klinger
- £12.99
- Here is the third edition of this standard guide to Acol bidding and play which has had no fewer than twelve impressions to date. Used by teachers throughout the world, it can be used also as a self-teacher for those without access to a bridge teacher. 200 pages.
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Guide to Better Duplicate Bridge by Ron Klinger
- £12.99
- New edition of a classic book, originally printed 20 years ago. Written by one of the world's leading bridge teachers. Compiled from the many classes conducted by Ron Klinger on duplicate techniques. The Guide to Better Duplicate Bridge provides the bidding methods and strategy needed to do well at pairs, not only when the bidding involves only your side but…
100 Winning Duplicate Tips – For the Improving Tournament Player by Ron Klinger
- £12.99
- New, enlarged edition with revised and updated tips. Full of well chosen tips and sound advice. An ideal companion to the new edition of 100 Winning Bridge Tips. Show how by understanding match-point scoring and adjusting your bidding and play to its demands, you can greatly improve your results. Click here to see all of the Ron Klinger books that…
The Power of Shape by Ron Klinger
- £12.99
- Described by the American Bridge Federation Newsletter as essential reading for those wishing to update their game and keep up with the times. 144 pages.
When to Bid, When to Pass by Ron Klinger
- £12.99
- Many players know how to bid, but are less adept at deciding when not to bid; this book shows how to finish in the right contract. 144 pages.
Deadly Defence by Wladyslaw Izdebski, Roman Krzemien, Ron Klinger
- £14.99
- This is the most important book on defence in bridge to be published for nearly half a century and will be essential reading for all serious bridge players. Defence is one of the areas in which many players need help All of the authors are top bridge teachers and authors The book is extremely clearly written To become even more…