10 More Ways to Improve Your Bridge by David Bird
Paperback book for intermediate players. 127 pages.
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About 10 More Ways to Improve Your Bridge by David Bird
10 More Ways to Improve Your Bridge by David Bird expands on his popular first book Ten Ways… In this edition David Bird now offers ten further ways to increase your success at Bridge. In bidding, the Jacoby 2NT convention is described – the most popular way nowadays of showing a strong major-suit raise and investigation slam possibilities. Then, in slam bidding, Roman Key-card Blackwood and two important variations, Kickback Blackwood and Exclusion Blackwood, are explained. The Lebensohl convention is also covered.
On defence, the important topic of disrupting declarer’s communications is explained, and you can also learn how to become an ‘awkward defender’, the sort of player that no declarer likes to face. Finally, five important areas of declarer play are addressed including holding up in a suit contract.
This book is aimed squarely at intermediate players, with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the game.
Paperback 127 pages.
About the Author
David Bird is recognised internationally as the leading writer of humorous bridge fiction and his many followers can look forward to another top-class mixture of exhilarating bridge and true-to-life characterisation and dialogue. In the same series as Divine Intervention, Unholy Tricks, Miracles of Card Play and The Abbot’s Great Sacrifice.
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