The Next Level by Andrew Robson
From: £14.99
- Buy Andrew Robson’s The Next Level with Arrow Cards
- By acclaimed bridge author, teacher and professional player Andrew Robson
- Covers advanced Bridge bidding strategies
- Buy the 3 sets of Arrow Cards and play every deal in the book!
The Next Level
Following on from Andrew’s acclaimed Tips for Intermediates, his excellent book The Next Level continues your journey to Advanced and beyond. There are 36 topics each subdivided into four pages with key modern bidding theory combined with an illustrative deal per page:
- Basic Opener Strategy
- Stayman
- Transfers
- Weak responding hands
- 4th Suit Forcing
- Overcalling
- Take-out double
- Penalty Double
- Showing your shape
- Finesse
- Suit Establishment
- Delaying drawing trumps
- The Lead card
- Three Weak Twos
- Pre-empting
- Bidding big hands
- Signal and Discard
- Suit Preference Signal
- Losing Trick Count
- Roman Key Card Blackwood
- Splinter bids
- Trial Bidding
- Ace-showing cue bids
- Jacoby 2NT
- Notrumps
- Danger Hand
- Elimination & Throw-in
- Squeeze
- More Squeeze
- Negative Double
- Two-suited lnterventions
- Law of Total Tricks
- Tricky Leads
- Quick and Slow Defence
- Cheat Seat
- Hand Evaluation-Points Schmoints
Arrow Cards – Play the Hands in the Book!
Become an expert by playing every deal in the book with the three accompanying twin packs of arrow cards! The first set covers the deals in chapters 1-12, the second set covers 13-24 and the last set covers 25-36. Play the hand, then read about it in the book: it’s a tried and tested way to improve your bridge.
How to Use the Arrow Cards
The arrow cards enable you to play carefully selected deals from the book. To generate the first deal, the dealer follows the top left arrow on the back of each card; the card is given to the player to whom the arrow points. For subsequent deals follow another set of arrows, rotating the dealer. As ever the dealer is first to call. Bid and play out the deal, then look at the corresponding deal number in the book to see how you fared. Purchase either the book, the Arrow Cards, or both together.
Andrew Robson
Most people widely regard Andrew Robson as one of the finest Bridge player/teacher/writers in the world today. When not at his Club, Andrew travels the country, inspiring thousands at the many Charity functions and Master Classes he leads.
As a player, Andrew won the world Junior Championships in 1989. He also won the European Championships in 1991. The list of tournament successes during and since is too long to list. He won the Silver Medal in the 2004 World Individual, heartbreakingly moving out of Gold on the very last deal (but that’s another story…).
As a writer, Andrew began in the early Nineties writing for the Oldie, the Spectator and the Express on Sunday. He has now been writing for Country Life for nearly 20 years and Money Week for nearly ten. He is most famous, however, for his daily column in The Times. His clarity of style has seen him become universally acclaimed, and he is the author of Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Need to know? Bridge, Bridge Secrets, What Should Have Happened, A Pack of Dos and Don’ts, Tips for Intermediates plus 20 books in his hugely popular Bridge Lesson Book series.
Andrew’s teaching is also legendary. Entertaining, simple, brilliant…his teaching has been described as this and much more over the years.
When not Bridging, Andrew loves to ride his mountain bike. He lives in North Barnes with his wife Lorna and two daughters, Hannah and Mimi.
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